
Talk To Me
Release: July 2007
Synopsis: The bond of friendship is explored between radio personality Ralph Waldo "Petey" Greene, an unsung hero and original gangsta of the Civil Rights Movement and his manager Dewey Hughes, the man who took a chance to hire him.
A film by Kasi Lemmons. Read more
Atlantic Beach, South Carolina
Tuesday April 17, 2007
Mayor Irene Armstrong and City Council held its State of the Town Address and Coffee with Council, followed by the swearing in of their new police chief, Juan Lopez. Chief Lopez was sworn in by Municipal Court Judge Levone Graves. Chief Lopez will take the control of the Atlantic Beach police department that was formerly under the leadership of Captain Randy Rizzo. The meeting addressed the town’s 2006 accomplishments, challenges and information regarding "where we are, what we have done, and what our future holds,” says Mayor Armstrong. “We have something to talk about.”