
Octuplets media coverage is getting harsh

Media coverage of Nadya Suleman, 33, who gave birth to the octuplets has ranged from:
1 - a miracle that anyone can have eight children, and that they all survived childbirth.
2 - amazement that anyone can have eight children.
3 - congratulations and support for the mother, then
4 - finding out about the fertilization treatments, also six other children
5 - outrage over the fertilization treatments.
6 - condemning the use of fertilization and the mother for having eight children out of wedlock, especially in this economy.
7 - counseling for the mother and her parents.
8 - family ostricizing the mother because they feel she was obsessed with having children.

What's Next?

I'm no doctor, I'm no economist and I'm no social worker, but for whatever reason this woman had to undergo fertilization to have more children, is her own. Obviously, with the current economy in crisis and her being a single mom with an extremely large family, particularly with the newborns, weighs heavily on the minds of many people and I'm sure she has been having some serious thoughts also.

According to an Associated Press report, she has a degree in child and adolescent development and is studying for a master's degree in counseling, so she is not someone people can label as "unintelligient." One issue lies with the fertility treatment, that is allowing her to undergo the procedure although she already had six children. Someone dropped the ball doing background research.

Nadya Suleman's mother was counseled to get out of the house. I guess forcing her out on the street will "wake her up" and end her obsession with having children. It makes me wonder about what counselors think about family values. Before this modern age of medicine, there were cases of people who have had large families of six or more; some married, some not. What about those families that lost a loved one to some tragic incident or natural causes and left a single parent to carry the responsibility of raising the children? I know of many people who talk about the size of their family, whether it was from childbirth or by remarrying, the fact remains that it is a family, big or small.
I think Nadya Suleman knew the risks of that fertilization treatment and apparently she has the determination and spirit to raise her children, no matter what other people are saying.

I think the focus now should be on helping this woman get back to health so she can nurture her children, instead of berating her.

Michael S. Steele, first African American to head RNC

Michael Steele won the race for RNC Chairman during the sixth vote of the RNC elections with 91 votes. He becomes the first African American to head the Republican National Committee. The Republican Party was born in the early 1850's by anti-slavery activists and individuals who believed that government should grant western lands to settlers free of charge.

A self-described Lincoln Republican. Michael S. Steele earned a place in history in 2003 when he became the first African-American elected to statewide office in Maryland. His experiences as a successful elected conservative African-American Republican and his engaging speaking style have launched Steele into national prominence. His first major exposure was during an appearance at the 2004 Republican National Convention. Since then President George W. Bush chose Steele to be part of the U.S. delegation to the investiture of Pope Benedict XVI, and as a member of the Presidential Delegation to the Leon H. Sullivan Summit VIII in Tanzania.A self-described Lincoln Republican. Michael S. Steele earned a place in history in 2003 when he became the first African-American elected to statewide office in Maryland. His experiences as a successful elected conservative African-American Republican and his engaging speaking style have launched Steele into national prominence. His first major exposure was during an appearance at the 2004 Republican National Convention. Since then President George W. Bush chose Steele to be part of the U.S. delegation to the investiture of Pope Benedict XVI, and as a member of the Presidential Delegation to the Leon H. Sullivan Summit VIII in Tanzania.

Born in 1958 at Andrews Air Force Base in Prince George’s County, Maryland, Steele was raised in Washington, DC. He spent three years as a seminarian in the Order of St. Augustine in preparation for the priesthood, but, ultimately, chose a career in law instead. He earned his law degree from Georgetown University Law Center in 1991.

You can read more about Chairman Michael S. Steele
Learn more about the Republican National Committee

Serena Williams wins her 10th Grand Slam title

AP reports Serena Williams wins her 10th Grand Slam title, 20 overall, and a return to the No. 1 ranking.
Williams became the fifth woman to win four or more Australian titles. By making the singles and doubles finals, she already had become the all-time leading money winner in women’s sports.
It was Williams’ 20th overall Grand Slam title. She won her eighth women’s doubles crown with sister Venus on Friday and has two mixed-doubles championships.


Obama Inauguration

Just adding my congrats to President-elect Obama and family and VP-elect Biden and his family to the list of millions of well wishers around the web. I'm actually enjoying the feel good news reports and stories from CNN and MSNBC. Happy Birthday Dr. Martin Luther King!